*** UPDATE: In-person services held at 10:30 am at St Georges and Christ Church. ***
Connecting Meota!
/click here to read Connecting Meota!
Dear Metoa,
Upcoming this week is Epiphany.
What is it and why is it important?
And you can't have Epiphany without Wise Men jokes!
Also find thoughtful New Year resolutions, this Sunday's readings (the Baptism of Jesus),
and a fabulous Benediction of blessings for your new year.
Read Connecting Meota for all this and stay connected.
Single Joint Service this Sunday January 1st
/Our next church service, will be 1 joint service at 10:30am on Sunday January 1st, 2023 at St. George’s Turner / Diamond Valley
Connecting Meota!
/click here to read Connecting Meota!
Dear Meota,
How did you do on the Christmas Carol Quiz? Answers included in this week's Connecting Meota! One of the Readings for this Sunday is "the Lord bless you and keep you," from the book of Numbers. There is a chart of the Bible Timeline for the Book of Numbers. Check out when Moses was born! Do you have a New Year's Resolution? Some suggestions on how to grow closer to God! Dec 31 in Turner Valley for the whole family and how to recycle your Christmas tree. Lots of Christmas cartoons to tickle your funny bone and.... a word search.
Finally, we DO have church January 1st, time and location listed in your Connecting Meota!
Connecting Meota!
/Connecting Meota this week is all about Christmas.
click here to read Connecting Meota!
Enjoy the pictures, the cartoons, the prayers, the Christmas Carol quiz and the beauty of Christmas. To you and yours, may God bless you with joy and peace this Christmas.
Ambrose Day of Prayer - Tuesday, February 7, 2023
/Dear partner congregations of Ambrose University,
The Board of Governors of the university has designated Tuesday, February 7, 2023, as the Ambrose Day of Prayer. And we are writing to invite you to join us in prayer on, and prior to, this day as we ask for God’s providential care and blessing upon the life, mission, and student body of Ambrose University.
The day will include a number of prayer events and gatherings throughout the day – including our board of governors meeting together for a dedicated time of prayer – led by members of the Ambrose community. There will also be an opportunity for those of you who have students at Ambrose to gather with them over lunch so that you can bless them by praying with and for them.
We would be very pleased if you would keep us in mind that day. Starting in the New Year we will be posting regular updates on our website – www.ambrose.edu – leading up to February 7 noting particular items that could be included in your prayers.
Additionally, please consider including Ambrose in the Pastoral Prayer or Prayers of the People on Sunday, February 5. In mid-January, we will send out an “Ambrose Day of Prayer” resource that you may find helpful. Again, you can reference our website for a list of those items for which we are, in particular, asking for God’s blessing and provision.
Warmly in Christ,
Gordon T. Smith, President and Terry Fach, Campus Chaplain
It’s Not Too Late to Pack Shoeboxes Online
/It’s Not Too Late
It’s exciting to see shoebox gifts from across Canada streaming into our Operation Christmas Child processing center in Calgary. We celebrate each gift because it means one more child in Ukraine, the Philippines, or around the world will be reached with God’s love and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
If you or your loved ones didn’t get a chance to pack for National Collection Week, it’s not too late. You can still pack shoeboxes online!Packing online is fast, fun, and convenient. You can personalize and even follow your boxes to their destination country. If you want to involve your friends, family, or church, forward this email or set up a goal page.
Thank you for partnering with us to send Good News and great joy to children around the world. We can’t wait to see what God will do!
Declare His glory among the nations!
Psalm 96:3
Oilfields Food Bank E-Newsletter
/The Firefighter community food drive was astonishing!
Can you believe what happened? The communities of Black Diamond, Longview & Turner Valley donated 6000 kgs of food with an inventory value of $30,000 & cash donations of $6000. It’s been 3 years since our storerooms have been as full as they are right now.Every person who donated, every firefighter who trudged through the snow & every volunteer who lifted, weighed & sorted have our heart-felt thanks. And, our sincere thanks to Dave Hinman of Granny’s Pizza for providing free pizza both nights, feeding both the firefighters & our volunteers who, in turn, work so hard to feed others.
Special thanks to the Oilfields Scouts and their leaders for their strong backs! Thanks also to Chris Theti (photographer) for attending on Monday & taking pictures - the photos above were taken by Chris.
Your volunteerism is essential in order for us to deliver food to as many people as possible. Volunteers bring their energy, passion & determination to fight hunger in their community. We’ve said it before (because it’s so true) we can’t do it without you.Diamond Skull Photography Santa Photos – Nov 26th
Santa Clause is coming to the Turner Valley Fire Department on Nov 26th! Diamond Skull Photography has partnered with the Oilfields Food Bank to host this FREE event for everyone! They will be there doing TWO digital photos via email.
We ask that you bring at least ONE food donation for the food bank bin that will be set up at the Fire Hall.Start time: 3:30PM – 5PM
Christmas Hamper Donations
We are preparing to hand out 100+ hampers. We include a turkey or ham & all the fixings for 3 meals on Christmas day from breakfast right through to dinner.
If you have food or cash that you would like to donate to help specifically with this program please ensure we have it in hand by December 13th. There are donation drop boxes at AG Foods in Black Diamond & Sheep River Community Library in Turner Valley.Need a Christmas Hamper?
Pre-registration is required. You may apply online at oilfieldsfoodbank.com or phone (403) 612-1291. Hamper pick-up day is Friday, Dec. 16 & you will be contacted beforehand with your pick-up time.
Our Most Needed Items
peanut butterjamcanned fruitsugar1 L juice boxespancake mix & syruppet foods
Global Food Banking
Food bank use continues to climb to unprecedented levels that have never been seen before. Climate change disrupts agriculture which decreases the amount of food that is grown. This reduces the available food which causes supply chain issues & results in more food insecurity & increasing hunger for the 8 billion people on the planet.Across Canada - Food Banks Canada
(statistics are from the 2021 HungerCount which is based on data for March of each year)use has increased 30% from pre-pandemic levels1,462,795 visits were made to Canadian food banks in March1 in 7 were currently employed1 in 9 receive pension income17.9% are single parent households16.7% receive provincial disability support8.9% are seniors
Closer to Home - Food Banks Alberta
116,396 Albertans visited a food bank in Marchthere were 44,586 visits by children45% of Alberta’s users are families15.2% receive provincial disability supportsin rural Alberta, 30.5% are seniors or persons with a disability
Oilfields Food Bank - No End In Sight
Food, rent, gas & other essentials are at a 30-year high. Healthy, nutritious food choices are falling further out of reach for a lot of folks. Like other food banks we are struggling to balance rising costs & a continually increasing demand.
Visit our website at oilfieldsfoodbank.com for more detailed information.
Thanks to our sharing, caring community, Oilfields Food Bank has been able to feed every person who walks through the door. Every single one because…YOU ARE AWESOME! THANK YOU!
Samaritan's Purse - Give Hope This Giving Tuesday
/This Giving Tuesday be part of providing livestock, seeds, and agriculture training to the desperately hungry; bringing safe water to families; or helping protect vulnerable children. Whatever you choose, you also will be helping share the hope of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Nourish a Hungry Family
Provide Safe Water
Protect Vulnerable Children
Nourish a Hungry Family
Crippling food shortages are increasing around the world due to conflict, disease, and other crises. By giving tools, seeds, training, or livestock—including goats and chickens—you can bring vital nutrition to a hungry family. “I could never have imagined that we could have a garden right here … this is great love.” – Emmanuel, Kenya
Provide Safe Water
When dirty water is the only choice, families suffer terrible consequences. Through a BioSand Water Filter, handwashing station, or hygiene training, you can help free a family from disease. “We no longer get sick. Thank you very much for this filter.” – Ana, El Salvador
Protect Vulnerable Children
Countless children worldwide suffer from war, abuse, or hunger. You can help minister to these boys and girls by providing shelter, food, education, and Biblical counseling. “We see the difference when [children] know they are safe and loved.” – Samaritan’s Purse partner, Senegal
Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!
2 Corinthians 9:15
New Cross at St. George's
/St. George’s received its new Cross! Such a lovely symbol.
Shoe Box Collection Week!
/National Collection Week is Here!
Today, hundreds of Operation Christmas Child drop-off locations are open across Canada for National Collection Week (Nov. 14-20)! It's time to bring in your prayerfully packed shoeboxes—each one a tangible expression of God's love and an opportunity to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with a child, their family, and community!
In Zimbabwe, Aisha was thrilled when she received a shoebox filled with presents just for her. She then enrolled in The Greatest Journey, our 12-lesson discipleship program. As she read the Bible stories in her workbook and learned how much God loves her, she invited Jesus to be her Lord and Savior. Her parents were amazed when they began to see their daughter’s life transform. They were so impressed that they started visiting the church where Aisha attended.
Soon, her entire family—her parents and three siblings—all gave their lives to Christ!
If you haven't started packing yet, there's still time. Need gift ideas? Check out our How to Pack a Shoebox page for some creative suggestions. If you're unable to pack, you can Pack a Shoebox Online and even follow your box to its destination.
This year Operation Christmas Child celebrates the collection of our 200 millionth shoebox since the Samaritan's Purse project began in 1993. Elizabeth Groff, who received a shoebox when she was a child in Ukraine, will pack the shoebox with gifts from Operation Christmas Child sending countries, including Canada! Elizabeth will hand deliver the shoebox to a child in Ukraine impacted by the war. We invite you to follow Elizabeth's journey on SamaritansPurse.ca or the Operation Christmas Child Facebook page as the 200 millionth shoebox is packed and delivered.Declare His glory among the nations!
Psalm 96:3Operation Christmas Child® is a project of Samaritan's Purse®.
Franklin Graham, President
© 2022 Samaritan's Purse Canada20 Hopewell Way NE, Calgary, AB T3J 5H5 1-800-663-6500
General Synod - Need Volunteers
/We are hosting General Synod - June 26-July 2
General Synod is the gathering of all dioceses across the country and this year we are sharing with our Lutheran friends as well.
We need 3 Volunteer Coordinators
Are YOU (or is a close friend) Organized? Friendly? Have experience coordinating volunteers or Transportation?
We need you for...
1. Transportation Coordinator - (This person will arrange for buses to bring delegates to the UofC on day of arrival and take them back to airport on day of departure)
2. Registration Desk and Information: (This person will gather volunteers, organize volunteers to hand out registration packets, schedule them for those jobs and general hospitality)
3. Final Banquet Coordinator: (This person will organize the final meal for the Anglican component of General Synod)
If you or someone you know has questions or is interested, in helping with this event please reply to this OR contact pgateman@calgary.anglican.ca
"There can be no greater gift than that of giving one's time and energy to helping others without expecting anything in return." - Nelson Mandela
Sent by Pilar Gateman