It’s Not Too Late to Pack Shoeboxes Online

It’s Not Too Late

It’s exciting to see shoebox gifts from across Canada streaming into our Operation Christmas Child processing center in Calgary. We celebrate each gift because it means one more child in Ukraine, the Philippines, or around the world will be reached with God’s love and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
If you or your loved ones didn’t get a chance to pack for National Collection Week, it’s not too late. You can still pack shoeboxes online!

Pack Online Today

Packing online is fast, fun, and convenient. You can personalize and even follow your boxes to their destination country. If you want to involve your friends, family, or church, forward this email or set up a goal page.

Thank you for partnering with us to send Good News and great joy to children around the world. We can’t wait to see what God will do!

Declare His glory among the nations!
Psalm 96:3