General Synod - Need Volunteers

We are hosting General Synod - June 26-July 2

General Synod is the gathering of all dioceses across the country and this year we are sharing with our Lutheran friends as well.

We need 3 Volunteer Coordinators

Are YOU (or is a close friend) Organized? Friendly? Have experience coordinating volunteers or Transportation?

We need you for...

1. Transportation Coordinator - (This person will arrange for buses to bring delegates to the UofC on day of arrival and take them back to airport on day of departure)

2. Registration Desk and Information: (This person will gather volunteers, organize volunteers to hand out registration packets, schedule them for those jobs and general hospitality)

3. Final Banquet Coordinator: (This person will organize the final meal for the Anglican component of General Synod)

If you or someone you know has questions or is interested, in helping with this event please reply to this OR contact

"There can be no greater gift than that of giving one's time and energy to helping others without expecting anything in return." - Nelson Mandela

Sent by Pilar Gateman