Wednesday Update April 13 2022
/Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,
Greetings on this Holy Wednesday.
As you know, two significant and welcome changes have occurred in the past month or so. One is that we have returned to weekly in-person services and our service of Prayer and Praise on the 3rd Thursday of the month.
The other is that hospital and long-term care visits are allowed again in most situations. They are still experiencing some Covid outbreaks, but rather than full lockdowns, certain areas are isolated while others stay open.
As we all know, even though restrictions have lifted, the virus is circulating at a highly contagious rate, and our latest Covid Task Force letter from the Archbishop's office (see the post in our news section) does advise us to remain vigilant. Meota Parish continues to require masks at our services, as do the hospitals and long-term care providers.
As restrictions have lifted, though, both our pastoral visits and our Chapel Services have resumed. It is such a blessing to visit and share worship and bring the sacrament of Holy Communion to those who are unable to attend church. Because of this, we are suspending the recorded Wednesday Update for the time being, or until such time as anything changes. As we have done throughout the Pandemic, we will continue to provide weekly updates about our services and events and any other important information through email.
If you have any questions or concerns or want to chat or arrange for a visit, please don't hesitate to reach out.
Peace and Grace