Connecting Meota!

Dear Meota,

Click here to read Connecting Meota!

Just a reminder that the service of Prayer and Praise is tomorrow Thursday April 25, 7 pm at St George's.

If you loved the Taize service, you will also love Prayer and Praise. Join us.

This week of Connecting Meota I do not have a theme; it's just a collection of feel good posters that I have been collecting and massed them together for your enjoyment and edification.

And, to shake things up a bit, a different kind of puzzle ( but still related to the Gospel).

Have fun.

Don't forget ANGLICAN PLUS.Even if you haven't come yet, please feel free to just drop in.  Alan is a fascinating teacher. 

Come for coffee and treats after the service and stay for the session! 

St George folk, just tootle down the highway and join us! 

Have a blessed week everyone!