Connecting Meota!

Dear Meota,

Click here to read Connecting Meota!

Dear Meota,

The week after Easter and we are still enthusiastic about our faith. 

Coming up this Sunday April 14th is another offering by our leadership for another dive into what our faith means to us.  It is called ANGLICAN PLUS!  These sessions will run on Sundays in April and May. 

They will be held at Christ Church after the service and after coffee hour.  ( In the church or in the church house.)  This should give people from St George enough time to tootle down the highway and partake in a rare opportunity to examine what we as Christians believe and how we live it out as Anglicans

In this world of craziness, being solid in our faith is much needed for ourselves, our families and our community.

Check out the cartoons; one always relates to the Sunday Readings somehow. And those silly sheep have another wise- crack! 

For Crossword lovers, here is a hard one just for you.

Enjoy and have a blessed week!