Connecting Meota!

Dear Meota,

Click here to read Connecting Meota!

GREETINGS  to our Regulars, our Newcomers and Guests!

This newsletter comes to you from Christ Church Millarville, St. George's Diamond Valley and St. James Priddis. 

There are many upcoming events so open the link above to find out what's going on.

 It may look like a Christmas newsletter - but actually - I am giving people lots of time to look at their calendars and plan ahead! 

Advent begins next week so let us put aside the stress of Christmas shopping just for a moment and enjoy the anticipation of the Joy of the First Christmas!

I will be featuring favourite Christmas Carols, so email your choice to and I will post the lyrics and history!!!  Rev Martyn was excited by the idea and he got his bid in early - so you will find the history of his favourite Carol in this week's edition!

There's also the Readings, a Prayer and a Word Search!
