Prayer Vigil October 4, 2021

Prayer Vigil for the people of the Province of Alberta 

Galatians 6:2               Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”
St. George’s, Calgary is holding a 24-hour prayer vigil on Monday, October 4th for the people of our province.  During this fourth wave of COVID, there is much fear, there is rampant divisiveness, there are so many in hospital who are sick and dying and our healthcare workers are physically, emotionally and spiritually overwhelmed. Emergency physician Dr. Joe Vipond said on the news the other day, “Pray for us!” And many in this diocese ARE praying.

Our medical frontline people need our prayers so much. As does our whole province, including our leadership. Even in the beginning of the pandemic, Premier Jason Kenney and Dr. Deena Hinshaw asked for prayers. We feel it is our Christian responsibility and it is truly our desire that we should respond … and pray.  And in prayer, we are reminded of the language of love that needs to be heard loud and clear, regardless of our political stripe or personal opinions. We can all pray. As our God cares for all, so we must all care for each other.

St. George’s is holding a parish prayer vigil next week Monday, and we invite other parishes in our diocese to consider taking a day of the week also.

We will pray that hearts and minds may come together in this time of enormous divisiveness in our province. We will pray for protection for those in the healthcare system and all those whom they treat. We will pray that our numbers will begin to dwindle and others requiring treatment will be able to receive the medical treatment and healing they require. We will pray for our provincial leadership. We will pray for peace for the people of Alberta.

Here is a schedule that can be forwarded, as well as some prayers to help those who may not know where to start.

With heartfelt thanks and appreciation.

Philippians 4:6            “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”

The Rev. Joan Carson

St. George’s, Calgary