Missionary Update: A Season of Lasts & Medical Emergencies


Dear friends,

We are now fully entering our season of lasts. Christine is leading the SBS in to the last semester she will see at YWAM Turner Valley, and on Thursday I taught Proverbs in the SBS for the last time. We are truly grateful for our time here, and relish these last opportunities to serve the Kingdom in this way.

As much as we have been savoring our time here, we have also only grown more certain that moving to the UK these few years ahead of schedule is the wise thing to do.

In the past few weeks, Mum has had three developing health situations - a new cancerous growth, a bulging spinal disc that looked at one point like it might paralyze her lower body (it won't), and a potentially broken kneecap from a fall (it's not broken, in the end). Whilst the outcomes of these were not as bad as initially feared, it has certainly been very difficult experiencing them second hand via a time difference, and we simply cannot wait to be closer at hand.

The preparations for moving are going incredibly well, it has to be said. In terms of the financial support from people like you, we have been blessed beyond our wildest imagination. We even booked our flights to the US yesterday! For those of you that have supported our financial needs, we cannot thank you enough! As the diagrams below show, we are close or fully funded for most of our steps. You may notice quarantine COVID tests have been added to the list - additional costs do seem to keep popping up! Feel free to follow the donation links below if you would like to help out with our last few costs.

Ultimately, we just want to say thank you for your support and kindness towards us. This transition will not be easy, but we are convinced it is the right thing to do, and we are greatly looking forward to it!

Please keep us in your prayers, and let us know if there is anything we can be praying for. Prayers points are below.


Prayer Points

We would particularly appreciate prayer for:

  • COVID restrictions are still incredibly severe in Alberta, as we experience our third wave. The lack of meaningful community is taking a great mental toll on many of our staff and students. Pray for peace and the opportunity to find innovative ways to support and celebrate each other in this time

  • A lack of any further medical emergencies within the Harrison family in the UK! I'm not sure Christine and I can cope with much more excitement ...

  • A fast and positive response from Student Finance England regarding my application. This response will enable us to start Christine's visa application

Thank you all once again for your continuing prayer, support, and encouragement,

God bless you all,

Tom & Christine Harrison

Donate here

The most up to date and frequent insights in to our missionary life can be found on Christine's Instagram

Visit thediamondsinthedetails.home.blog or christineunplanned.wordpress.com to hear up to date news on what Tom & Christine (respectively) are currently learning.

For more information on YWAM Turner Valley, its programs and how you can get involved, visit ywamturnervalley.org.

Thank you again to everyone who has been praying for us and everything going on here - we really appreciate it and know that your prayers have not gone unanswered! Please keep us updated on what is going on with your lives. We may not be able to reply quickly, but we really appreciate knowing what God is doing and what we can pray for.

For now though, may God bless you all and thank you again for your support!

Tom & Christine Harrison

P.S. Please do not hesitate to email us at tomsywamadventure@gmail.com if you have any questions, prayer requests or updates to share - we would love to hear from you! Equally, if any of you would prefer to write a letter, our postal address is at the bottom of this email.