Pastoral Care Training - Waiting List -

Offering of Pastoral Care training for January 2022.

Do you have an interest, calling or are just curious about Pastoral Care? Maybe you want to be better equipped to support your church community, or friends or even your own family. We are all called to care and care deeply, as we are able, with one another.

This could be a “brush up” opportunity or time for skill refreshing.

There will be some reading and/or reflecting as preparation for each of the evenings. There might be learning through new information, sharing and skill development.

This course, which begins on Tuesday evenings January 18 – March 1, 2022, 6:30 pm – 8:45 pm, has currently reached its maximum capacity of 15 people, however a waiting list is being taken. If there is a great desire to add a second course, there is possibility. One way to determine that would be by creating interest on a waiting list. This can be done by contacting

"For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses.."

Hebrews 4:15a