Anglican communion alliance/engage conference in October

Anglican communion alliance/engage conference in October

This fall, on October 12-13th, St. James, Calgary,  is hosting 2 side by side events  by ACA (formerly known as Anglican Essentials), and Engage. The Conference will include sessions on “The Holy Spirit in the Church”, “The Role of the New Testament” , “Passing on the Faith to the Next Generation”, and “Looking Ahead to General Synod 2019.”

Speakers are: The Rev. Dr. Ron Kydd (Associate professor of Church History at Tyndale University College),  Julie Moser (Diocese of Qu’Appelle Youth Missioner),                         Sharon Dewey Hetke (National Director of Anglican Communion Alliance), Ken Moser (Professor of Youth Ministry, Briercrest College) , and Stephen Tighe (Young Anglicans Project).

Friday evening will begin at 7:30 with a Reception. Saturday’s program will include times of worship, breaks and lunch together, an Address from one of the ACC’s Gracious Restraint Bishops, and encouragement from the host Bishop, the Most Rev. Greg Kerr-Wilson. 

Please note:   Registration is on line, not through St. James.
To register at a cost of $40, go to :
For further information, Sheila Vanderputten can be reached at