Ambrose Day of Prayer Feb 6 2024

Dear partner congregations of Ambrose University,
The Board of Governors of the university has designated Tuesday, February 6, 2024 as the Ambrose Day of Prayer. And, as in previous years, we are writing to invite you to join us in prayer on, and prior to, this day as we ask for God’s providential care and blessing upon the life, mission, and student body of Ambrose University.
There will be several prayer events and gatherings throughout the day led by members of the Ambrose community; our board of governors will also meet together for a time of focused prayer. We have also built in an opportunity for those of you who have students at Ambrose to gather with them over lunch so that you can bless them by praying with them and for them.
We would be very pleased if you would keep us in mind that day. Starting in the New Year we will be posting regular updates on our website leading up to February 6 noting particular items that could be included in your prayers.

The Ambrose Day of Prayer

Additionally, please consider including Ambrose in the Pastoral Prayer or Prayers of the People on Sunday, February 4. In mid-January, we will send out an “Ambrose Day of Prayer” resource that you may find helpful. Again, in the New Year, you can reference our website for a list of those items for which we are asking for God’s blessing and provision.

Warmly in Christ, 

Gordon T. Smith, President

Ric Strangway, Associate Professor of Pastoral Theology