*** UPDATE: In-person services held at 10:30 am at St Georges and Christ Church. ***
Future Services: 10:30am at St. Georges Diamond Valley, Christ Church Millarville. Click here for maps of locations.
Ascension Service 7:30 pm May 13, 2021
/View the Ascension Service on the Diocese Facebook page here https://www.facebook.com/calgary.anglican
Wednesday Update April 28,2021
/Cursillo Events
Fundraiser Announcement
The Secretariat of the Anglican Diocese of Calgary Cursillo Movement are hosting an Online Silent Auction event to raise needed funds to assist with their operating costs.
Donations of items for bidding will be accepted from April 25 to May 24. Items may include anything made: baking, sewing, or grown, but we'll also take purchased items or gift certificates. Used items are only accepted if they are antiques or collectibles. Donations must include the name of the item, a brief description, a value, and up to four photos. To submit your donations or if you have questions, email us atsilentauction@cursillo.ab.ca
The Bidding will occur from May 25 to June 25. The Auction link will be made available by mid-May.
Wednesday Update for April 14, 2021
/Here is the link for offering a prayer for the Diocese of the Windward Islands, especially for St. Vincent:
Easter Vigil 2021
/Join us as we stand Vigil here : https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=738137550185570&ref=watch_permalink
Good Friday Service 2021
/You may watch Meota Parish Good Friday service here: https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=491549555201611&ref=watch_permalink
Also click here for the Taize order of service.