*** UPDATE: In-person services held at 10:30 am at St Georges and Christ Church. ***
Connecting Meota!
/Dear Meota,
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The theme of Jesus as the Bread of Life continues. Check out the Sunday Readings and the easy Word Search.
An ongoing reminder of the first annual Craft Fair. Think of whom you can invite!
PWRDF ( the Anglican disaster relief organization) has a fund for Canadian needs - like the Jasper fire - there is a link included if you would like to donate.
Cute cartoons, more inspiration from my collection on my computer and a lovely prayer.
Have a lovely week and God bless!
Connecting Meota!
/Dear Meota,
Click here to read Connecting Meota!
This week is my annual sharing of what is left on my desktop. I collect neat stuff and save it for the right time to include it in Connecting Meota. Here is a small sampling of quotes and posters for your inspiration.
This week the usual Readings for those who like to read ahead for Sunday, and an easy Word Search.
Also an announcement about the upcoming Craft Fair - please support our efforts to reach out to the community by attending ; whether or not you need more stuff. Your attendance will make such a difference - and you never know what might catch your eye! LOL!
Finally, an update on PWRDF ( the Anglican disaster relief efforts) and the Jasper fire.
Take care and God bless!
Connecting Meota!
/Dear Meota,
Click here to read Connecting Meota!
The bread of Life is the theme coming on Sunday. This week's newsletter has a nice prayer, an easy crossword and three "bread" cartoons in the Funny Bones section.
Also the ongoing announcement about the first Annual MEOTA CRAFT FAIR: an opportunity to share our church with the community. Start inviting friends and neighbours for some great early Christmas shopping.
Finally a Beat the Heat poster - how to take care of yourself in a heat wave.
Be cool, be safe!
God bless you this week!
PWRDF - Hurricane Beryl and Windward Island Relief
/As a Companion Diocese with the Windward Islands, we have heard of the tragic events and the devastation left behind by Hurricane Beryl, and have been asked how people can help.
The PWRDF now has a fund set up specifically for hurricane relief in the Windward Islands.
Please consider making a donation to this worthy cause, as the PWRDF will know how to best direct funds.
Connecting Meota!
/Dear Meota,
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I hope you are finding some coolness in all this heat!
I have listed some cool activities going on in Diamond Valley.
Also, this week I was able to find two cartoons for the Funny Bones Section that matches the Readings for this Sunday. LOL!
A continuation of the celebration of the Flower Festival; more photos arrived in my inbox and I have passed them along to you.
There's a new kind of puzzle and a Trust God prayer.
All to give you a lift this week.
Enjoy and God Bless!
Connecting Meota!
/Dear Meota,
Click here to read Connecting Meota!
I hope you are keeping cool. There is a Family circus cartoon about the weather!
Come and see the photos from the ultra successful Flower Festival. Thank you to every single person that helped out!!
There are exciting changes at St. George's; check out the pictures.
Peruse the usual Readings, prayers, posters and extras like ideas for cheese and crackers and birdwatching.
And for the Word Search aficionados - there is an easy word search!
Enjoy and stay cool!!
Connecting Meota!
/Dear Meota,
Click here to read Connecting Meota!
Saturday is the day to visit Christ Church Millarville. Come see the church and church yard decorated with all the flowers from the local gardens. Stay for the SCONES AND STRAWBERRY PRESERVES! Flower Festival is Sat July 13, 11 - 3 pm. Special service Sunday July 14th at Christ Church!
This week's Connecting Meota includes an article on gardening in the heat, the Readings for this Sunday, and an item on what we can learn from John the Baptist. The Family Circus features in our cartoon section and for the Crossword enthusiasts, there is an easy puzzle this week.
Enjoy and God Bless!!
Will You Help Bring Life-Saving Aid to Suffering Families?
/Hurricane Beryl has devastated the Island of Grenada and is now a Category 4 hurricane threatening other parts of the Caribbean. Thousands of homes have been damaged or destroyed, and people need shelter, food, and clean water.
Help in Jesus’ Name is on the way from Samaritan’s Purse, including Canadian DART responders. We loaded our DC-8 cargo jet with 24 tons of heavy-duty tarps, water filtration systems, and other emergency items—plus a mobile medical unit to care for those who are injured.
The eye of the storm passed over Carriacou—part of the nation of Grenada— which has about 10,000 residents. Sadly, at least six lives were lost in the storm. We want those who have lost everything to know that God loves them and hasn’t forgotten them in the midst of their devastation.
Please pray for the people of Grenada and for those who are in the path of the storm. Please pray and support our team as they bring physical relief and the eternal hope of the Gospel to those who are hurting.
Sincerely, Franklin Graham
President, Samaritan's Purse
Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.
Galatians 6:2
© 2024 Samaritan's Purse Canada
20 Hopewell Way NE | Calgary AB T3J 5H5 | 1-800-663-6500 SamaritansPurse.ca
Connecting Meota!
/Dear Meota,
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This week's edition has a bit of a Calgary Stampede and Cowboy theme.
Please, please come out and support the Flower Festival July 13, 11 am - 3 pm. the best scones strawberry preserves in North America! And the cost is only $8.00!!!!! Do I exaggerate? Come and taste for yourselves. (Two more volunteers needed, please contact us through meotaparish@gmail.com)
Also, this is a good time to share your faith in a quiet way - invite family and friends and let them see the wonderful place of worship - a log cabin church decorated in bowers of flowers!
Read, enjoy and see you on July 13th !
God bless!
Connecting Meota!
/Dear Meota,
Click here to read Connecting Meota!
There are two familiar stories in the Gospel for this coming Sunday - you will recognize them! The crossword that goes with it is really easy!
There are announcements - get yourself ready for the flower festival! (Volunteers still needed, please help out if you can)
Canada Day is coming - check out where you can view the fireworks.
And lots more. Enjoy this week's Connecting Meota!
Connecting Meota!
/Dear Meota,
Click here to read Connecting Meota!
Dear wonderful people of Meota.
There is a wonderful picture, a corny cartoon, a heartfelt commentary, and a very easy crossword puzzle of a familiar story, Jesus calms the storm.
Please catch the announcements of two upcoming events as well as two Community events pulled from the High Country newspaper. .
Scroll through this edition and catch the highlights, or take your time and read all the items and be encouraged.
Either way, Connecting Meota is for you, enjoy!
Connecting Meota!
/Dear Meota,
Click here to read Connecting Meota!
Dear Meota.
Coming up is Father's Day. In this week's newsletter is a nice prayer and a list of Father's Day activities in and around our area.
The Readings for Sunday include the anointing of David as King AND the parable of " the kingdom is like a mustard seed."
The word search this week is very easy, you could finish it off in one reading!!
Finally the cartoons are cute and corny, not to mention Granny Clampett's special recipe!!!
From Rupert’s Land to Northern Lights: A New Name for Canadian Anglicans
/The Diocese of Calgary hosted the 2024 Provincial Synod from May 23 to 26.
Of the many resolutions that were discussed and voted on at this gathering, one stood out.
The name of our Province – The Ecclesiastical Province of Rupert’s Land - a colonial title which we and our Indigenous brothers and sisters found to be a negative reminder of the past - was changed. After discussion, listening and prayerful consideration, a new name has been decided upon. Although the new name was not everyone’s first choice, the final resolution passed unanimously. The new name will be used effective June 1st, 2024, but will require a second vote in 2027 to make it official and legal.
Going forward, our Province will now be The Ecclesiastical Province of The Northern Lights.
The Ven. Alan Getty
Incumbent Priest - The Meota Parish
Chaplain - RCL Br. #78
Archdeacon of Macleod
Oilfields Food Bank: Sprout Day Camps at DVSLC
/Do you have children aged 3 to 9 who would like to take part in a Summer Day Camp?
Sprouts Day Camps are being offered by Diamond Valley Sustainable Living Centre (DVSLC) and will be running out of the Sheep River Library from Monday to Friday 9:30 to 3:30.
DVSLC wants every child who would enjoy this opportunity to take part and not miss out due to a financial barrier.
There are a limited number of subsidized spots for families who are truly in need. Call or text 403-498-6321 for further information or email natureschool@dvslc.ca or visit https://dvslc.ca/.
Connecting Meota!
/Dear Meota,
Click here to read Connecting Meota!
Is Prayer and Praise this Thursday?
What is happening June 1st and does Liam Getty need my help?
June 2nd is Confirmation - is there ONE SERVICE and is there a potluck?
There are photos of someone cutting a cake? Who and why?
Someone from YWAM will be back at St. George's this coming Sunday. Who?
Check out this week's Connecting Meota for answers and more!
Have a blessed week!
Connecting Meota!
/Dear Meota,
Click here to read Connecting Meota!
Sunday is Pentecost. ( some people wear red on Pentecost Sunday!)
This week there are reminders for JUNE 1ST - the Lemonade Stand at Diamond Days. LIAM will fetch the water - but could use your help to pour the free lemonade to the passers-by. Could you assist? Email meotaparish@gmail.com to let him know you are coming.
There is a CS Lewis quote on Pentecost for you intellectual types, a word scramble and cute cartoons.
Check out this week's Connecting Meota.
God Bless!
Connecting Meota!
/Dear Meota,
Click here to read Connecting Meota!
We have a very busy parish; so many things are coming our way!
Thursday May 9, 7 pm St George's, come for an Ascension Service to celebrate when Jesus ascended into heaven.
Sunday May 12th is Mother's Day!!!
The Diamond Valley Days are coming June 1st and Liam Getty is hosting the St George's lemonade stand for us. Not much is required but a few helpers are needed. Could that be you?
Confirmation Sunday is ONE SERVICE June 2nd at Christ Church. Tea, coffee and cake reception afterwards.
And see the photos of the Ladies preparing the strawberry preserves for the flower Festival in July!!
Get your calendars out as you read this week's Connecting Meota. God bless!