Connecting Meota!

Dear Meota,

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This week we finish Holy Week and then.. this Sunday... HAPPY EASTER!

This week's newsletter has Holy Week and Easter Sunday information.

YES! All 3 churches will be open for Easter!

Upcoming Events are listed.  I wonder what Anglican Plus will be???

Trivia - what does Maundy mean? Why is Good Friday called 'good?'

And... What lessons can we learn from the Easter Bunny?

Check it out!

The Lord is Risen!!!

Connecting Meota!

Dear Meota,

Click here to read Connecting Meota!

This Sunday is Palm Sunday and services will be held at both Christ Church and St George's. 

The week's edition of Connecting Meota is full of updates and details for everything that is happening during Holy Week that starts on Palm Sunday.

There are the typical events and some new ones. Please partake in all those activities that will truly get you into the spirit of Easter. And for some, we will be carpooling, just let Ven Alan and Pat know that you wish to go.

Another crossword for you puzzle minded folk, and the Theological Sheep are back in the humour section. 

Enjoy, and we will get together this Sunday for some palm waving!!  The snow should have slowed down by then.

God bless!

Connecting Meota!

Dear Meota,

Click here to read Connecting Meota!

There is a lot offered to you for a meaningful Lent: an Easter Movie, the Zoom conversation and many events during Holy Week. Check out this week's edition of Connecting Meota for the complete list.

Sunday is St Patrick's day. This week's newsletter has some interesting facts on St Patrick and two very corny jokes!!

Finally, for you puzzle lovers, there is another tricky crossword. Kudos to any of you who can complete it!

Have fun and have a great week!

Connecting Meota!

Dear Meota,

Click here to read Connecting Meota!

Yes it's that time; it's DAYLIGHT SAVINGS THIS WEEKEND.

On Saturday evening, spring your clock forward one hour.

In this week's edition of Connecting Meota there are some daylight savings jokes, a pastor, priest and rabbi joke, a Senior's version of a favourite childhood hymn, and a list of Meota events.

You can still pop onto ZOOM Wednesday at 7 pm to find out what Generous Living can mean. And, put March 23rd on your calendar for the movie THE ROBE. It will deepen your appreciation for Easter and it's a feel good movie, so you will go home in a good mood.

Have a blessed week!

Connecting Meota!

Dear Meota,

Click here to read Connecting Meota!

The favourite hymn highlighted this week is not a traditional hymn, but rather a country and western song by Kris Kristofferson. I have put in a link; click on it and a you tube video will pop up. It's an interview with Kris Kristofferson and how God touched his life and is the background to the song.  I really encourage you to take the 6 minutes to watch the video and hear the song. It was #1 on the charts!!

Readings this week - again, very familiar: the Ten Commandments.

And I could not resist a ten commandment crossword puzzle and two very corny jokes! 

Reminder, two more opportunities for contemplation during Lent 

                    - Zoom conversation with Alan Wednesday at 7.

                   - Prayer and Praise Thursday, 7 pm, St George's.

All for you in this week's Connecting Meota!

God Bless,

Connecting Meota!

Dear Meota,

Click here to read Connecting Meota!

Dear Good People of Meota Parish,

Three big events this week:

- Wednesdays - beginning this week - 7 pm.-  the ZOOM Conversation on Almsgiving with Ven Alan. 

Here is the link   

What exactly is Almsgiving and how do I do it without feeling obligated or guilty??  

Free Movie Sat Feb 24, 2 pm at St. George's - FIDDLER ON THE ROOF.

- Sunday FEB 25, 10:30 AM - ONE SERVICE at St. George's

Lunch and AGM following the service.

There's more; check the listings in Connecting Meota.

 We have another favourite hymn and one that is not very familiar but is very interesting. Take a look.

There is a lovely Lent prayer and the Readings this week are both familiar and significant.Also, after the tricky crossword last week, there is a very easy Word Search this week. Enjoy!

Have a great week and pop into Zoom, movie and AGM.

God bless.

Connecting Meota!

Dear Meota,

Click here to read Connecting Meota!

Happy Valentine's Day and Happy Ash Wednesday - reminder of the service Wednesday evening 7 pm St George's = a thoughtful way to begin Lent.

Many events coming your way; check out the announcements in Connecting Meota. Choose one or two ( or three!) to help you draw closer to God this season.

Please set aside Sunday Feb 25th, 10:30 am,  ONE SERVICE at St. George's followed by lunch and the AGM.  Your attendance would be much appreciated. 

The Readings for this Sunday are both familiar and significant and the theological sheep have a commentary on the Gospel. 

I have been told that the puzzles and word searches are too easy. So.... a tougher one this week!!

As we enter this time of Lent, may God touch your heart with His Truth and Love.

Have a great week!  

Connecting Meota!

Dear Meota,

Click here to read Connecting Meota!

for your benefit, there is a lot going on in February.

Choose an activity that would help you enjoy the presence of God.

And when you look at the list, you will likely find more than one, so please come to as many as you like!

The Readings this week are special, featuring the Transfiguration.

Also this week, there is a Favorite Hymn, a word search, cartoons and a Transfiguration prayer.

Enjoy and have a great week.



Connecting Meota!

Dear Meota,

Click here to read Connecting Meota!

Why is Shrove Tuesday called Pancake Tuesday??  I bet you know!! Please put Feb 13 at 4:30, St. George's on your calendar for the Pancake Supper!

Another skill testing question - what are the three disciplines for Lent?  Which one did Ven Alan teach about last year, and a different one the year before, and the one he will be covering this year!??!!!

All you crossword lovers, there is a hard one this week.  You might want to print off page 11 so you can concentrate on it!!  Go for it!!

Jan B sent in a list of her favourite hymns; I researched one of them. Send in your requests to

Please bring your palm crosses from last year's Palm Sunday.  Ven Alan and Rev Martyn need them to prepare for Ash Wednesday.

My hubby Brian and I will celebrate Valentine's Day earlier in the week so that we can attend the Feb 14 Ash Wednesday Service, 7 pm at St. George's. Hope you can make it. The books for the Wednesday Book Study will be handed out after the service. 

Finally, there is a list of upcoming events - check it out!

Have a great week!  God bless!

Join us for the Ambrose Day of Prayer Feb 6

February 6 will be the annual Ambrose Day of Prayer, a time when we slow down and invite the friends of Ambrose to join us in asking for God’s special grace in the life of this community. We invite you and your congregation to be part of this occasion.

Sunday February 4th, just before our Day of Prayer, would you consider including Ambrose in the Pastoral Prayer or Prayers of the People? On our website is a list of those items for which we are, in particular, asking for God’s blessing and provision.
 More Information here

Again, we hope you will be able to join us for the Ambrose Day of Prayer on February 6. A detailed schedule is available on the Day of Prayer webpage. 

Warmly in Christ,

Gordon T. Smith, President

Ric Strangway, Associate Professor of Pastoral Theology

Our mailing address is:
Ambrose University 150 Ambrose Cir Sw, Calgary, AB T3H 0L5