*** UPDATE: In-person services held at 10:30 am at St Georges and Christ Church. ***
Connecting Meota!
/Dear Meota,
Click here to read Connecting Meota!
for your benefit, there is a lot going on in February.
Choose an activity that would help you enjoy the presence of God.
And when you look at the list, you will likely find more than one, so please come to as many as you like!
The Readings this week are special, featuring the Transfiguration.
Also this week, there is a Favorite Hymn, a word search, cartoons and a Transfiguration prayer.
Enjoy and have a great week.
Connecting Meota!
/Dear Meota,
Click here to read Connecting Meota!
Why is Shrove Tuesday called Pancake Tuesday?? I bet you know!! Please put Feb 13 at 4:30, St. George's on your calendar for the Pancake Supper!
Another skill testing question - what are the three disciplines for Lent? Which one did Ven Alan teach about last year, and a different one the year before, and the one he will be covering this year!??!!!
All you crossword lovers, there is a hard one this week. You might want to print off page 11 so you can concentrate on it!! Go for it!!
Jan B sent in a list of her favourite hymns; I researched one of them. Send in your requests to meotaparish@gmail.com
Please bring your palm crosses from last year's Palm Sunday. Ven Alan and Rev Martyn need them to prepare for Ash Wednesday.
My hubby Brian and I will celebrate Valentine's Day earlier in the week so that we can attend the Feb 14 Ash Wednesday Service, 7 pm at St. George's. Hope you can make it. The books for the Wednesday Book Study will be handed out after the service.
Finally, there is a list of upcoming events - check it out!
Have a great week! God bless!
Join us for the Ambrose Day of Prayer Feb 6
/February 6 will be the annual Ambrose Day of Prayer, a time when we slow down and invite the friends of Ambrose to join us in asking for God’s special grace in the life of this community. We invite you and your congregation to be part of this occasion.
Sunday February 4th, just before our Day of Prayer, would you consider including Ambrose in the Pastoral Prayer or Prayers of the People? On our website is a list of those items for which we are, in particular, asking for God’s blessing and provision.
More Information here
Again, we hope you will be able to join us for the Ambrose Day of Prayer on February 6. A detailed schedule is available on the Day of Prayer webpage.
Warmly in Christ,
Gordon T. Smith, President
Ric Strangway, Associate Professor of Pastoral Theology
Our mailing address is:
Ambrose University 150 Ambrose Cir Sw, Calgary, AB T3H 0L5
Connecting Meota!
/Dear Meota,
Click here to read Connecting Meota!
Lots going on.
Prayer and Praise tomorrow. Come and enjoy the music and come enjoy the Peace of God.
February is a busy month in Meota; please check all the announcements. We have a favourite hymn again this week. And for those who love cartoons, those silly theological sheep are back!
Have a great week!
Snow Angels Program in Diamond Valley
/FCSS is currently promoting a new version of the Snow Angels Program that involves the placement of signs in the yards of those who require assistance.
Able-bodied residents who see the signs are encouraged to shovel the walks at these homes when they can. Our hope is that this community-wide initiative will help people get to know their neighbours and encourage them to help out while getting some fresh air and exercise. We all know that “many hands make short work” and we are hoping this will ease the burden on having only one person responsible for a property.
Residents who need snow shoveling assistance can register at the Town office for a sign. If they are renters, they will need permission from their landlord (there is a form for this). For more information please visit Snow Angels | Diamond Valley, AB at https://www.diamondvalley.town/711/Snow-Angels or contact Suzan (Sue) Nagel of Family and Community Support Services at 587-621-0743 or email SuzanN@diamondvalley.town
Thank you - stay warm and well!
Connecting Meota!
/Dear Meota,
Click here to read Connecting Meota!
Being a part of a church means that people care about you and they can support you in your walk with God.
In the coming months there is so much going on to encourage you to develop a deeper relationship with others and with Christ. Pick one or two and enjoy!
Movies, book study, pancake supper, Prayer and Praise service, Lenten services.
All the announcements are in this week's Connecting Meota. Plus, someone has sent in their favourite Hymn. I wonder if you know it. Check it out and have a great week!
URGENT NOTICE: Single Service at St. George Sunday Jan 14 2024 10:30am
/Brothers and Sisters,
Due to the extreme cold weather we are having it has been decided to hold a single joint service this Sunday January 14 2024 10:30am at St George's in Diamond Valley. There will be no services at Christ Church, Millarville or St James, Priddis.
Please consider for yourselves if it is best to leave your homes during this extreme cold weather. Travel is not recommended if you do not have to.
Please take care and stay warm!
God Bless!
Connecting Meota!
/Dear Meota,
Click here to read Connecting Meota!
What is the second most popular hymn in the world??
How do we enhance our spiritual journey? Wouldn't it be nice if there was a book study in Lent? (hint: there is!)
Who loves the story of Samuel?
How about those old movies? Don't you wish we could go back to the good old days? Wait! Meota is showing old movies??
Is St. George's hosting a Pancake Supper this year??
Check out this issue of Connecting Meota for all the answers, and more!
Have a great week!
Connecting Meota!
/Dear Meota,
Click here to read Connecting Meota!
What is your favourite hymn? How Great Thou Art? Come Thou Fount?
Email meotaparish@gmail.com with your favourite hymn and I will research its origins. Today we look at All things Bright and Beautiful!!
This week features the contact info for the three churches, the Sunday Readings ( the Baptism of Jesus), a New Year's poster and prayer, a word search and cartoons to get this year off on a good foot. It also answers the question - Isn't Easter early this year? How early????
Happy New Year!!
Connecting Meota!
/Dear Meota,
Click here to read Connecting Meota!
The readings for the coming Sunday are about the coming of the THREE WISE MEN!
There is an article on the meaning of the three gifts, and some great cartoons.
The New Year is on its way!
The date for the last day of the year is 12-31-23 (123123)
And yes there is a service on New Year's Eve because it's a Sunday! Check Connecting Meota, attached below, for the location!
There is a lovely prayer for the New Year, some great cartoons and an easy crossword puzzle.
Next week's newsletter will have announcements for events in our church coming in the months ahead.
Stay tuned.
Have a great week!
Connecting Meota!
/Dear Meota,
Click here to read Connecting Meota!
Isn't there a Prayer Service on Wednesday Dec 20, for World Peace?
Is Christmas Eve on a Sunday? Is there a service Sunday morning?
Are there Christmas Eve services and where are they?
Is there a service on Christmas Day? And... where and when is it?
Are there any good Christmas cartoons, word searches, posters and prayers?
For all the answers and more, check out this week's Connecting Meota!
Merry Christmas!!!
Connecting Meota!
/Dear Meota,
Click here to read Connecting Meota!
There is a lot to keep track of:
Dec 14 & 21 - Comfort of Advent on Zoom- Compline Service Thursdays in Advent 7 pm
Dec 17 Sunday - Service of Lessons and Carols, St George's 10:30 am
Dec 20 Wednesday - Prayer Vigil for World Peace, St George's 7 pm
Dec 24 is a Sunday. There is a morning service and three Christmas Eve services. Check out the poster in Connecting Meota for the locations and times.
December 25 is a Monday. There IS a Christmas Day service . Check Connecting Meota for the location and time.
This edition of Connecting Meota highlights the Third Sunday in Advent. There is also the history of the service of Lessons and Carols. It was created by an ANGLICAN!!!
The readings are included for those who like to read ahead.
And an abundance of Christmas cartoons to tickle your funny bone!
Enjoy and see you at the Carol Service!!
Connecting Meota!
/Dear Meota,
Click here to read Connecting Meota!
Questions .........
On this coming Sunday are there services at St. George's and Christ Church?
Is Ven Alan going to ask us what the Advent candle is for this coming Sunday?
On Sunday Dec 17 is there ONE Service for the Lessons and Carols?
Is there COMPLINE Service on Zoom every Thursday in December starting tomorrow?
Is there a PRAYER VIGIL FOR WORLD PEACE on December 20th?
CHRISTMAS EVE is on a Sunday? When are all the services?
Is there a Course on GRIEF in January put on by the Diocese?
ANSWERS to these questions and all the details can be found in this week's Connecting Meota. Plus, there are so many great cartoons at Christmas that there will be double the amount for December.
Don't miss out! Read your Connecting Meota!!
Ambrose Day of Prayer Feb 6 2024
/Dear partner congregations of Ambrose University,
The Board of Governors of the university has designated Tuesday, February 6, 2024 as the Ambrose Day of Prayer. And, as in previous years, we are writing to invite you to join us in prayer on, and prior to, this day as we ask for God’s providential care and blessing upon the life, mission, and student body of Ambrose University.
There will be several prayer events and gatherings throughout the day led by members of the Ambrose community; our board of governors will also meet together for a time of focused prayer. We have also built in an opportunity for those of you who have students at Ambrose to gather with them over lunch so that you can bless them by praying with them and for them.
We would be very pleased if you would keep us in mind that day. Starting in the New Year we will be posting regular updates on our website leading up to February 6 noting particular items that could be included in your prayers.
Additionally, please consider including Ambrose in the Pastoral Prayer or Prayers of the People on Sunday, February 4. In mid-January, we will send out an “Ambrose Day of Prayer” resource that you may find helpful. Again, in the New Year, you can reference our website for a list of those items for which we are asking for God’s blessing and provision.
Warmly in Christ,
Gordon T. Smith, President
Ric Strangway, Associate Professor of Pastoral Theology
Connecting Meota!
/Dear Meota,
Click here to read Connecting Meota!
This week includes items regarding the First Sunday in Advent!!! Readings, posters, prayers, cartoons and familiar and favourite Advent hymns!!
Enjoy! and HAPPY ADVENT!
Connecting Meota!
/Dear Meota,
Click here to read Connecting Meota!
It is almost that time of year. Check out the article on Advent. The people of Christ Church packed shoe boxes. There are cute cartoons from the Family Circus. And this week is the Prayer and Praise service on Thursday 7 pm at St George's. Don't miss it!
Have a great week!
Diamond Valley Community Food Drive a smashing success!
/The team at Oilfields Food Bank is so appreciative of the passion & determination shown by everyone involved in this annual event. Firefighters from Diamond Valley & Longview went door-to-door on November 13 & 14 collecting the items many of you had ready for them to pick up.
Our heartfelt thanks to the:
Firefighters for your dedication to the betterment of our communityResidents of Diamond Valley & Longview for your generosity & kindnessScouts for your strong backs, boundless energy & hard workGranny’s Pizza for donating pizzas (even opening on your day off) to make sure the gang was fedEvent volunteers for your efficiency sorting this tremendous amount of foodRegular weekly volunteers for your continued behind-the-scenes organization & graciousness
We are honoured you chose to help us carry out our mission. Each of you has ensured our food bank will continue to run smoothly & that anyone who needs food, gets it.