Winner - Bloomin’ Turner Valley Contest


Dear Sharon and Bill and the members of High Country Helps,

On behalf of Council, I am delighted to advise that you were selected as the winner of the Bloomin’ Turner Valley contest in the category of Community Spirit.

Your efforts in creating the Turner Valley Community Garden initiative is admirable. The project has helped people through the challenges of COVID-related restrictions and supported many by providing an opportunity to gather with others and to be part of a wonderful community effort.

You and the many volunteers are to be commended for lifting the spirits of so many in our community and for that, you are recognized as the winner of this year’s award.

Your efforts are sincerely appreciated. A cheque in the amount of $100 will be sent to acknowledge the outstanding project work completed by you and the organization.

Warmest congratulations!


Monique LeBlanc

Community Services and Business Development Manager

Month of Mission: Closing Worship, Today 1:00


Please find below the Zoom link for today’s Closing Worship to our Month of Mission (Wednesday, June 30 at 1:00 pm).

We would love to have everyone join us as we end this particular missional focus, and to celebrate the baby steps that we have learned to begin (or continue) our stepping out in faith to bring the Good News in the forms of proclamation, teaching, loving service, social justice, and creation care.

Hope you are able to attend.

Blessings, Carol

The Diocese of Calgary is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Final Mission Worship  (PG)

Time: Jun 30, 2021 01:00 PM Edmonton

Join Zoom Meeting

 Meeting ID: 873 0229 1006

Passcode: 438164

Wycliffe College Zoom: How Mission is Flourishing During the Pandemic

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How Mission is Flourishing During the Pandemic

Date: June 15th, 2021

Time: 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM

Where: Virtual event over Zoom (registration is required…. go here to register)

The Institute of Evangelism invites you to join us for a free event featuring some good news stories and practical tips from on-the-ground leaders who are seeing God do exciting things through local churches, dioceses, and denominations during the COVID-19 pandemic.

In the Canada of today new life can be found in the Church right across denominations. We chose three panelists who have their fingers on the pulse of missional experiments and developments among Anglicans, Presbyterians, and Free Methodists.

The Panelists

Rev. Dr. Ross Lockhart - Ross is the Director of the Center for Missional Leadership at St. Andrew’s Hall, which is a part of the Vancouver School of Theology. Himself an ordained Presbyterian pastor, Ross is one of only two Professors of Evangelism in Canada. As such he equips both lay and ordained church leaders all over Canada to better share the gospel in their context.

Rt. Rev. Susan Bell – Susan is the Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Niagara, which geographically wraps around and extends out from the western shores of Lake Ontario. Since being elected bishop in 2018, Susan has been consistently moving the churches of her diocese on a more missional direction.  Her most recent project has been to develop the Niagara School of Missional Leadership to equip, and support lay and ordained leaders in the revitalization and planting of communities of faith.

Rev. Jared Seibert - Jared serves as National Director for Church Development for the Free Methodist Church in Canada. He also leads the New Leaf Network, an organization that supports and equips Canadian church planters. Jared has a passion for helping Canadian churches, whether newly planted or long-established, build healthy connections with their neighborhood for the sake of the gospel.

Month of Mission: Day of Fasting and Prayer - Friday June 11, 2021

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The Next event being held by the Diocese for the Month of Mission in June is the Prayer and Fasting Day, to be held this Friday, June 11.

This event will allow each of us to ask Christ to lead us in being missional, to show us those to whom we need to proclaim the love of God to, and to ask the Spirit to grant us the wisdom and the words to share with others of our stories and our faith.  We also ask for ears to listen to His voice as He whispers the lessons we need to learn, and the gifts of time and silence to clear the clutter of daily life so that we may have a renewed focus upon Him.

A Zoom time has been set up if you wish to pray with others, or to be prayed for, on Friday, from 9:30 am until Noon. Please mark your calendar and join us in praying for the work of mission that each of us is called to.

Diocese of Calgary is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Missional Prayer and Fasting Day (PG)

Time: Jun 11, 2021 09:30 AM Edmonton

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 841 8647 8045

Passcode: 101213