Letter from Archbishop Greg and Covid-19 Task Force

Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

First, and most important, I give thanks to God for all of you, and for your faithful work of ministry in these difficult times. The creativity shown in extending worship and pastoral care by our congregations amidst the shut-downs and restrictions has been a source of encouragement to me, as we learn new ways of living out our faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, and extending the Church’s mission within our local contexts. Such trials, while they are frequently onerous, are also times of opportunity to deepen our faith and grow stronger in love, patience and hope in the face of challenge.

Second, I am writing to you to provide an update on the deliberations of the COVID-19 Taskforce for the Diocese of Calgary.

As you will recall, in mid-November the taskforce recommended, and I concurred, that we should close down all in-person worship in the Diocese of Calgary. At that time, we were seeing an alarming rise in the number of cases as the virus increased its spread. In mid-December, we considered the situation again, and again found that the situation had not improved and that it was appropriate to maintain the closure of in-person worship.

Now in mid-January, we are seeing some positive signs of the rate of infection having apparently begun to decline. This gives us a measure of cautious hope about the possibility of re-opening for in-person worship in the coming weeks. While we are not yet seeing a clear indication that the time for that has come, we would invite congregations to begin to think about making the plans necessary for that to happen in your particular context; keeping in mind that any such opening will only be allowed under strict adherence to the guidelines on physical distancing, mask wearing, tightly restricted numbers and the other measures that have been described in the original protocols sent out in September, and supplemented in October. Also keeping in mind that those over 60 and those who are vulnerable would be advised to not attend in-person worship in any case. Plans might well include the means of continuing to make available online services for those who will not be able to attend, whether because of age, vulnerabilities or the restriction of numbers.

The needs, resources, and circumstances of our congregations vary widely within our diocese. Because of this, what is achievable and appropriate for one congregation may not be suitable for others. We encourage you to prayerfully consider what might work best for serving your particular parish as we look towards allowing in-person worship to resume.

While we do not think that now is the time to re-open in-person worship, we will be meeting again in two weeks’ time to consider and provide another update.

Once again, thank you for staying the course and working toward serving the church and her mission in these difficult times. While we walk the way of the cross in this life’s journey, we also both live and look forward to resurrection in Jesus. May Christ, the light that shines in the darkness, shine amongst us and through us, as a witness to our faith in this world yearning .


Join us in Fasting and Prayer

 Join us in Fasting and Prayer


 Every one of us is undergoing some form of stress or anxiety, whether Covid-related or just worries about family and/or friends.  Health issues, job issues, feeling isolated, feeling fear, feeling sad or lonely, just to name a few. And we know our clergy and lay leaders are dealing with a great deal, as they are overwhelmed in this busy season trying to maintain the traditions of the Advent season yet protecting the vulnerable.

What if…we were to spend a day or part of a day, in prayer, in honest, heartfelt communication with our Lord, in looking into His word, in meditating upon Him and slowing down to listen to Him.

We ask that on Friday, December 18, the people of the Diocese of Calgary take time to fast and pray – an hour or many hours; alone, with spouse or family, via Zoom or whatever means that inspires you.

We pray for:

  • for protection from this Virus; for healing of those affected; for hope and provision for those impacted; for comfort for those mourning; for the safe and effective delivery of the vaccine; for the health services and leaders

  • the mission of our Church in these strange times

  • each other

Plan ahead, clear your calendar, and give one day, or a portion thereof, to the Lord, together, to raise our supplications and to let Him nurture and heal us. 

Archbishop Greg has set up a Zoom link for prayer Friday, Dec 18 from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm and will have AFP members standing by to pray in breakoff rooms for those who wish to pray with someone

 Zoom Prayer Link 

 "But you, when you pray, enter into your inner room, and having shut your door, pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly."  Jesus  Matt. 6:6






The Archbishop's Task Force

Task Force 4.png

On the re-opening of public worship services

Purpose of the Task Force:  To consider the guidelines and protocols, including timelines, provided by the Province of Alberta for Services of Worship, and advise the Archbishop on both timelines and protocols for the re-opening of public worship services for the Anglican Diocese of Calgary.

Members:Chair:  The Very Rev’d Leighton Lee, Dean of Calgary

Dr. Chris Bockmuehl, Medical Doctor, Parishioner at St. James, Calgary

Dr. Sebastian David, Medical Doctor, Parishioner at Christ Church, Fort Macleod

Dr. Brend Ireland, Medical Doctor, Parishioner at St. Augustine, Lethbridge

Linda Kamhuka, Infection Control Practitioner, Alberta Children's Hospital, Parishioner at St. Andrew, Calgary

The Venerable Noel Wygiera, Archdeacon Rocky Mountain and Incumbent at St. Luke, Red Deer

For more information visit:

Anglican Diocese of Calgary Prayer Line

During this time of journeying through the COVID-19 pandemic, you may appreciate being able to speak with someone; to have a pastoral listening ear and someone to pray with.  A number of our diocesan clergy and Lay Ministers have agreed to be on-call daily to respond to this need.

If you would like prayer support, please call the number below.  Any information shared will be kept in the strictest confidence.

This ministry will be available daily from 9:00 am to 8:00 pm until further notice.  

587-320-1345 or 1-888-999-1551 ext 107

A message to Clergy in the Diocese of Calgary

Archbishop Greg Kerr-Wilson will be offering these services from his home by video feed:

Maundy Thursday, 9 April at 7 pm
Good Friday, 10 April at 9:30 am
Easter Vigil on Saturday, 11 April at 8:30 pm
Easter Sunday service, 12 April at 9 am (with participation from Clergy)

These services will be available on the front page of the Diocese website and Facebook page.


PS: People can get a reminder of the Maundy Thursday service on Facebook through: https://www.facebook.com/calgary.anglican/posts/3502669276470050

Update on changes due to COVID-19 - VIDEO

And so begins a new season of ministry and communication in Meota Parish! This is a brief video update from Rev. Alan on how we are moving forward. This is a learning curve for the ministry team at Meota, so please bear with us as we fine tune this process! In some ways, we are indeed in the wilderness right now. Let's wait to see what new thing the Lord is going to do with and for us! See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. ~Isaiah 43:19 PS You may notice that when this video was recorded, we thought we would be using YouTube but we will in fact be using Vimeo. There are several reasons for this, the biggest one being less issues with ads interrupting our content.